News - 19 Holes drilled - Awaiting Assays Ansell completes soil sampling program on Charlotte2011-08-18 15:37 ET - News ReleaseMr. Jevin Werbes reportsANSELL CAPITAL CORP. UPDATE ON CHARLOTTE AND DISCOVERY CREEK PROPERTIES, YUKONDrilling at Ansell Capital Corp.'s Charlotte property is proceeding well with 19 holes being drilled to date and over 3,220.12 metres total metres drilled to date.It is anticipated that the complete program will include 20 drill holes for a total of 3,700 metres. To date 2,069 core samples have been collected and shipped to Acme Labs of Vancouver. No analytical results have been received to date, and they will be released when received and reviewed.In addition, all planned soil sampling has been completed, with a total of 1,099 samples collected. Results will be reported when received and reviewed. The planned mapping and sampling of the Orloff King and GRW trenches have also been completed, with a total of 133 samples gathered.Ansell is also pleased to announce that compilation and field verification of old data on its Discovery Creek property are under way. Fieldwork also includes mapping and outcrop sampling. So far 10 historical drill holes have been located in the Eliza Creek extension (ECE) area, as well as numerous partially and completed reclaimed trenches around the ECE, Goulter and Discovery Creek areas. Several hand samples with pyrite, arsenopyrite and trace sphalerite in zones of clay, propylitic alteration and phyllic alteration hosted in andesite and granodiorite have been taken and will be sent off for assaying.The area around Eliza Creek extension shows the most encouraging results so far and warrants more work. Trenches are planned immediately north of the area on the Charlotte claims for the 2011 field season.Discovery Creek, YukonThe Discovery Creek property covers approximately 3,000 hectares of mineral prospective lands located immediately to the west of, and adjacent to, Ansell's Charlotte property.The Discovery Creek property is located in the prolific Tintina belt. Gold-silver mineralization in the Discovery Creek property area consists of northwest-trending quartz-sulphide veins, steeply plunging quartz-sulphide-rich breccia bodies and east-westerly trending quartz-vein stockwork zones in clay-rich alteration zones. Mineralized zones and occurrences are spatially related to the central Mount Nansen porphyry complex, and associated Late Cretaceous stocks and dikes.Exploration in the area since 1971 has included geological mapping, geochemical soil sampling, geophysical surveys, trenching and shallow drilling (104 holes, over 12,200 metres). The exploration has been carried out by several operators and focused on a number of occurrences in the area. Significant concentrations of gold and silver have been found on the property, both in drill holes and in surface outcrops.Chris M. Healey. PGeo, a director of Ansell, is the qualified person responsible for the technical information in this release.