Company Prospects and sweatmanIn looking at this company as a prospective "investment" gamble, I have no need to check maps, drilling results, or any other fundamental data. My mind was made up the minute I saw the name of the poster sweatman. That one Stockhouse alias, immediately brings up a string of links to other aliases [many just another moniker for the same real life shill] and a group of real life characters. The cast of real life characters might change, but the clear message remains the same - the involvement of anyone of this group is a huge red flag and the signal for unwary investors to hold on to their wallets and get as far away as you can get.
sweatman [along with a long list of other aliases he uses] is, in real life, involved in the promotion industry. This is, in my opinion an overly kind description of the industry. The players involved in this industry play a number of roles, the objective being that their "employer" and themselves, convince Joe Public to part with his hard earned money and buy shares in the particular flavor of the month penny stock start up. Of course, these players, and likely a number of insiders, already have large numbers of shares or options that have been issued at a very beneficial price. This part of the game is a necessity, part of the free enterprise system for attracting capital investment to explore, and hopefully develop the country's resources.
The problems pop up as a result of the preferred group of insiders and promoters having cheap shares to sell, at the time the unwary Joe Public is being asked to buy. Human nature creeps in, and the temptation to fill one's pockets at the expense of the unwary investor, gets the best of some in the promotion industry. Many become motivated to get overly enthusiastic in their efforts to drive stock prices up - knowing that when the over-promotion is peaking they can sell and pocket a tidy profit. They then depart, and move on to the next flavor of the month, leaving Joe Public with the high priced shares that plunge to a value that's based on reality - not hype.
When you see the name sweatman, you are in the presence of a shill motivated by greed and open to whatever deception it takes, to fill his own pockets. You don't have to take my word for this - several hours of checking his past history will convince you of the opinion that I have reached, along with a number of others that have encountered him and his merry gang.
Here's a clue, from one of his own postings on this forum, dated August 24, 2010:
"Do not worry about Tony and his ill-fated pump job on ISM. It was a noble attempt, but in the end it was simply a case of going to that particular well once too often.
For the record, I still have a very decent position in CPV and expect great things from the Company's drill program.
Also worth a note; just received a CPV slide book from the guys at Larry Myles Report and it is very informative. They also say that once we get through month end the share price should continue its northern journey".
Some checking of history will link sweatman to the same ill-fated pump job that tonyg1973 was involved in on ISM. Tony got scared when the heat was turned up, and left Stockhouse, after having all his posts removed. Larry Myles is a real life promoter who writes a newsletter, gets paid finder's fees for placements, and gets paid for Investor Relation services by companies. In fact, Larry Myles authored a MiningStockReports "Analyst's Report" on CPV - predicting glorious things for CPV, just weeks before the truth came out and the stock plunged. sweatman and Larry Myles are usually involved on the same flavor of the month. Most critics familiar with the companies involved, come to the conclusion that they are one and the same. Curiously, sweatman has not disputed any such accusation.
Larry Myles was handling Investor Relations for Golden Reign Resources [V.GRR], when the BCSC went after that company for promotional efforts that went beyond the acceptable. After the BCSC investigation, GRR hired a new IR firm and made this public disclosure: "Mr. Myles is an employee, providing shareholder communications for the Company. The public should not rely on the Larry Myles Reports because they contain overly promotional statements and unsupported opinions that are misleading"
Coincidentally, prior to this bombshell, sweatman was touting the Larry Myles Reports newsletter, as an authority on the potential of GRR.
Readers can make up their own mind. My opinion is that a company that becomes associated with Larry Myles, or that is hyped on Stockhouse by the shill sweatman, will be avoided by a large number of potential investors. They have become familiar with, or have been financially harmed by, the activities of these "two", and some of the pump and dump shills with whom they are associated. I am not informed on the potential of CPV properties, nor the abilities of CPV management, by I suggest that readers do their research and come to their conclusions, without being influenced by sweatman and Larry Myles.