RE: RE: RE: NEW MONEY islanjon, Rene has no money at all. He is a loser who just has been gambling with pennystocks all his live since he and his family settled to Canada. His father did money big time as Wilfried Bernard seems to be a clever businessman. His son is a loser. Wilfreid has to face this. Rene will have money by heritate, but never by any own abilities.rambon, Rene has no shares anymore. His father Wilfried B. also shall have just a handfull of 2 million shares left. Thats what I have been told by former friends of Rene who have been in touch with his father and his mother. Rene may wait for his divorce, but this doesn't help him as he does not own shares of CDO anymore. This guy is not worth the dust of my company and is a big disappoinment for his friends and his family. He shopuld do another treatment before he intents to touch any new shell to screw any freinds again.