RE: RE: Why so quiet??All the facts you have are accurate, but there is more to it. The last quarterly report revealed the following:
- on July 31, GBK had 800,000 in cash
- burn rate is approximately $400,000 / Q (more with all the legal fees)
- estimate that they had less than $400,000 at time of recent issue, and would be all gone by January. Depending on the size of unforeseen legal arbitration fees, maybe they were close to zero already.
It is very possible that they had no choice but to issue more shares in a hurry. .15 would achieve that.
Why can't they get more? Why is the price so low? Read the footnotes on the last Q report. There is still a class action lawsuit threat of $500 million, of which GBK owns 25%. As well, all indications are that JJ will not go down without a long drawn out fight. It's not just about who is right, but also who has more money. The arbitrators have not ruled 100% in GBK's favor. That's why they have to share legal and arbitration fees. That can only mean that both parties had good points and GBK may have just squeezed by with a win.
I don't believe they are in bed with each other. Just the opposite. I believe they have become enemies.
Finally, there has not been a feasibility study on the mine. A serious investor would need to see one for a factual projection of future profits.
All these points make sense of the seemingly low share price. There is substantial risk here from many, many angles. I'm not spending a lot of time on this. I read the financial report and did a quick analysis. If any of the above is wrong, I invite anyone to produce evidence to the contrary, and I will gladly stand corrected. You say that many intelligent people read here. I would like to hear an intelligent reply from any one of them.
You have a sh*tload of shares there roadking08. I feel for you... been there and then some. GL.