RE: AeroMechanical Services Files ArbitrationWOW this comes right of left field . Not sure how to measure this action against stockholder value but one thing is for sure if AMA ( David) manages to slay SNC (Goliath) they will potentially infuse thier capital coffers by almost $ 4mil . So the real question is why now , do they need the cash infusion that would be considered desperation OR maybe with their internal success/progress of thier AFIRS 228 R&D development now well documented in the latest realeases put AMA in a position where they have no need of SNC's future services so cut bait now . My guess it will take years to settle this one anyway but it does send a message to the market that AMA is confident R&D wise to go it alone and to take on vendors who do not meet thier contract commitments and/or cause harm to AMA,s ability to go to market . SNA take note you maybe well be next.