This figure is the blue sky scenario where everything falls into place in Amazon’ favour and is by no means ourbase case assumption. Our $11.50 target assumes a 10% chance of success with the commercial scale-up of the
Cambridge process. We note though that Amazon’ in-house engineering staff believe their odds of success are
closer to 75%. We continue to rate the shares a TOP PICK with a 12-month target price of $11.50 per share.
Notice that with those points, with those truly outlandish targets, that the Cambridge process is new, hasn’ been
done anywhere before and there is always a chance it might not work.
There is always risk in these kind of things, but my goodness, what if it does work and what if some of these numbers
are half-way that would appeal to your greed...wouldn’ it?
We caught up with Jed Richardson, the ex-Sprott mining analyst and VP of Amazon who does admit that the current
Cambridge scheme is still a science experiment that works in the lab, but it will be year-end before they know if they’e
got a good chance of it working in the real world.
Meanwhile, his look on the market is interesting...wouldn’ be surprised to see a market sell-off (the typical sell in
May) but he has two interesting buy recommendations—ore on those later.