I think you stated it in your write up You stated a major cross at the highs and after that incomplete information by the banksters and you get the result of a share price take down. If your info is correct you have your explaination. Money is made quicker on a take down than a run up in shares. They tend to hit hard and run. Leaving the market to clean up the mess them make. Unfortunatly the securities watch dogs in my humble opinion are not reacting to these take downs in Canada and the game by the banksters is one sided. Only stronger gold prices or postive news by the company can repair the damage done. I thoght the take down did not make sence given the neutral news and gold behaving strongly. Again these are just the observations I am making from statements from others and the market action in the shares. Is there any other possible explainations to consder? A 12 percent take down in one day when gold was only off less than10 dollars a share does not explain this action at all.