This Company Is So Close to sales, so I guess it's time to look and see what we could expect.
First there are on average 521,000 work overs on wells in canada every year. Of this total 68.2% of the total work overs are caused by the loose of well pressure. That's 355,000 wells that could use this companies technology. let's say only 2% of these well use this companies technology in the coming year that's 7100 units that this company will sell. Let us put a price of $5000 per unit. That is 35.5 million dollars or $1.26 a share. Now let's add say $500 for usage royalty payment for each time used and let's stay with the 2%. That is another 3.55 million dollars for a total of 38,500.000.00 dollars or$1.37 a share in gross cash flow. Now I ask you what is the share price value with these limited sales numbers?