Great Work If You Can Get It From the notice about the AGM May 24 Section F Page 11:
By agreement dated April 1, 2011, the Company entered into an employment agreement with Mark Kolebaba for a term of three years to act as President of the Company at a remuneration of $17,640 per month. Under the terms of the agreement, in the event of termination within six months of a change in contol, Mr. Kilebaba is entitled to receive a lump sum payment of an amount equal to 24 times the monthly salary. In addition, Mr Kolebaba and the Company agreed to stop accruing severance by payment to Mr. Kolebaba of $225,000 in three installment payments of $75,000 on each of April 1, 2011,2012 and 2013.
Company doing nothing. Mark is doing nothing except collecting that big FAT pay cheque. Stock price at all time low. I cannot wait to hear what you will have to say to us at the AGM. Actually I already know! Nothing, Mark!! There is Nothing you can say about a 5 cent (or less) stock price!
You are a complete failure. The Company is a complete failure! And guess what? You don't care! You got "24 months of $17.640 per month " to look forward to!!!