Somebodies knockinBCTV ran a story last night regarding a large real estate deal in downtown Vancouver. Leaked out that a large tech company was scoping the old Woodwards Building on Hastings St at Carroll. Somehow mention was made that it may have been Cisco as huge floor space was required for switching equipment. Also well known techno/stock newsletter suggested that MS should move to Vancouver. The story then led to Prov.Gov. who were asked if there were negotiations, and of course there was no knowledge (I think media went to the wrong Gov.). For some reason overnight BBC picked up the story and said MS was negotiating with Gov for location to Canada. Hum scratchin my head think somebody on realestate end has leeked something. On the otherhand communications infrastructure at that location is enhanced as the opposite corner used to be the HQ of ?(won't mention names). Metrocom out of Seattle, 360 Networks in North Van, SW in Richmond. Hum wonder whats cookin. Anyways long on SW I not only buy thier stock but thier equipment and lovin the stuff.