RE: Update on Roche Bay and Tuktu Iron Projects rather confusing nr in that the 1600 meter magettite (Tuktu 2)
where it disappears under the tundra then the nr pick sup a
strike of approx. 500 meters width of abundant hemitite. Wow!
Since hemitite is non magetic; a different method of refineing
may have to be use other than magetic separation. But then if
the insitu percentage of Hemetite is 62% or better, then AEI could
pull a Mary River and deliver the hemitite raw to the blast furnace.
After smelting hematite will take on magnetic properties; very, very
interesting should there be abundant quantaties of hematite. Mine
the hemetite first with no need of a speration plant, thus by selling
the hemetite raw; $ would be raised for the magetic speration plant
for the magnatite at later phases in the evolution of the magetite at
Roche Bay........ It may be confusing what i am saying here, but if
there is enough hematite and of major fe content; then it makes eco-
nomical sense is to start developing the hematite site first; make a pile
of $ for offsetting the cost of building the magnetic seperating plant
at Roche Bay for the magentite. Wow! is ll I can say, so then why is the
sp still floundering at an all year low? Sounds too good to be true;
something is not right.