Dacha has had a really nice pop since 7/1.... ....and I'm sure that had nothing to do with the structuring of this deal. I've not looked yet, but it would be really interesting to see the relative % ownership by Bharti et al of Aberdeen vs Dacha. Nor have I looked at the REE market in the last few months. I certainly hope pricing there hasn't softened. I can't find my old bookmark for more current prices....but I don't much like this. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2012-08/14/content_15676141.htm There is a reason I haven't kept up with REE prices - I didn't want to invest there!!!! I hope I don't find that Bharti owns much more Dacha than Aberdeen. If there is a bright side to this mistreatment of shareholders, it's that the AAB portfolio should be in play now....and I don't suspect that many shares not controlled by Bharti will vote with him...and that's what you get when you historically treat shareholders like pooh. Bharti is good at picking up assets....and I don't fault him for the failures as they by and large had genuine wildcat potential...but there is a point where the tide of sentiment turns....shell games and ridiculous option grants can come back to haunt....I hope it's here. I've got a little over 1%, fortunately bought 3 years ago and not underwater....cash gets my vote.