RE: RE: RE: Bid 0.06 ? Wow! Have to agree: This new management seems to have the same unability as the old ones to know how to interest investors. A deadly release about a reverse split and a useless promise that four people move their to a property. That is all.
Well, sorry, this has nothing to do with impatience. This is the same old snit as we have received since years by Bernard and by Reed. Unbelieveable this kind of canadian leadership of an explorer story. Even they might not have tons of $, they should be able to print a shareholder letter or to keep the story alive with a tiny bit of this or that information: However, I lost my respect for those canadian explorer stories. I have been told anyway, tha 90% of all canadian explorer microcaps are fraud stories - just made for insider and lousy CEOs. With regards to the past of CDO I agree totally !