RE: chrisale lol. I've never said thermal coal gives off more CO2 than met. That is funny though, I'd think I was stupid too... but before we go calling anyone stupid, here are the facts.
#1: CO2 emissions from all energy-burning activites accounted for 66.5% of all world CO2 emissions in 2005 (the latest complete estimation that I know of compiled in 2009)
#2: Iron & Steel production account for 4% of that.
#3: All Coal burning comprises 42% of world energy CO2 emissions (US EIA 2010 - Petroleum: 37% NG: 22% )
I'd much prefer Raven be confined, guaranteed, to the 4% than the 42% but they very much are not. If they did, they'd be part of the solution, and much less the problem.
Sorry, I won't be leaving anytime soon. Many think it's not worth the time... but I tend to think the time has come that the companies that are doing the damage, and those that support them financially, should no longer get a free pass. By investing in Raven coal as the project currently stands, you are investing in the continuation of climate change, the continuation and growth of massive forest fires and drought, the continuation of Arctic sea ice decline and unknown weather pattern changes it will bring.
I think you should know that.