RE: RE: share price if this trades again - Flintst Really... was there is CTO put on Rubicon?
I see no history on the stock chart of trading being halted on Rubicon Minerals during the time you mentioned. Neither do I see mention of a stock trading halt on Sedar.
It was sold all the way down after it peaked at $5.51 on Apr.8
According to the stock chart.
Rubicon was $5.80 on Jan.12,2011.
Rubicon was $4.16 on Mar.13,2011.
Rubicion was $5.51 on Apr.8,2011
But by JULY 11,2011 it was down to $3.11
The comparison might be the same PG involved but these are two different companies, with different floats and I highly doubt this amended report will prove up a bigger resource in this case.