Pemican 21 ONE Legal tactics in Motion O1 Communique lined their cards (players other companies) up the day this all became reality prior to having a patent in their favour (game plan and strategy) in motion and is in motion B&H selected with O1 and Win a plan to benefit them and the shareholders with a fall back plan of suitors. If one fails open the door for the next. If CTXS favours our options and ideas plus settlement proposal we have a stronger deal that also gets blood from rocks. If not we win and still select who we want in time. CTXS will be settled. You are on track with your ideas in regards to ONE Pemican21 as is Onlyone. Remember RIM WIN and ONE are all for sale at the right price and the industry leaders are calling. Call and we will sign a fair business deal. REWARDING to ALL Inolved. 1 800 668 2185 (we will be glad ios to help). Better than Ray K at 50 of McDonalds (we serve you with a Smile).
Younkers, Ny NY
Do you think CTXS will settle as soon as Feb/2013 ? It seems like there modus operandi is to delay delay delay no matter how much the legal costs are. Do you think CTXS will try to buy 01 ? Pretty cheap ,spend $3 or $4 hundred million and control the patent, they could re-coup their costs with the Microsoft (Skype) law suit alone.