(TTW.V) OT TTW. Floated doubled from 38m to 76m . Raised $1.4 m, $ 300, 000 and $ 250,000 promissory note and shares to pay off liabilities. Forget exact amounts, but doesn't seem like much $$$$$ left for operations/ legal proceedings etc. There will need to be another financing shortly. Can' t see these prices being sustained considering it was only valued at 2 cents when 38 million shares, now there is double the shares and 8 times the share price. From a market cap of less tan $1 million before the open yesterday, to fully diluted market cap of about 76m x .17 = 13 million . Makes it hard to jump in on the hype, knowing how much $$$$ and time before any litigation $$$ come in. I would expect additional financing and a leveling off near 10 cents. My other concern, hopefully not a pump and dump happening. Quite surprised it held 10 cents. Congrats to those who made $$$$.