NORDGOLF "NUTS" Won't be quite the same without HRG to gripe about. Thanks to Chris for all his wisdom. Sounds like a wake! NOT!!!! Special thanks to John Helmer, now that's a man who takes real risks, and I am not talking about monetary ones.
Important lesson, never buy into any company controlled by Russians like Mordashov. HRG broke all the rules. Truly amazed how poor the OSC really is, and how the regular investor gets fleeced. Now what was it that Shakespear said about lawyers....?
As many have pointed out, big hand to the real people who work at the mines. At least I can terminate my relationship with the push of a button!
Look at the bright side, Conde will yank the license for the Lefa mine! It will cost BILLIONS to build Prognoz, and Mordy will go bust because Western Banks won't touch him.