RE: RE: RE: RE: Current twitter status Thnx Greg, in opposition to MJS you do something against the awfull decreasing trend of MJS. MJS does NOTHING for their still (?) faithfull painholders, sorry, shareholders. Only one example of my list of hundreds points of concern: Even the pope did realize, that for example Twitter is a good tool, to keep in contact with their sheeps. Beginning december, 12th, the pope will twitter to common mob. What's about our God Husband, sorry, Rod Husband! They don't need such foolsome sh....t, or?
But what does he want to tweet? Eventually, regular highlights of his weekly general audience and Sunday blessings, the occasional homily on a major Catholic holiday and papal reactions to natural disasters and other accidents God needs to make a statement on.
And we?
I tweet you, that I greet you my little sheeps, Fred