Stock price All the weak hands will be out in less than 2 weeks. Those who were holding the debt and don't want to own stock in their portfolio. Concerning the Banks, you have to realize something. They now own millions of shares, they don't have to sell them now or real soon. They can hold on to them for few weeks or months. Now lets say you're a bank and you now own 500,000 new share of Yellow media, You want to sell them at a higher price than 7$ of course....What can they do to pump the price up??? You got it...initiate a NEW coverage of the NEW YLO and put a 25$ target on the stock and a BUY rating. This will create some buying and the price will go up. This morning i bought 10,000 more share at and average of 5.75$ and NO WAY that i'm going to lose monney with this trade at this level. In fact, this stock was at 12$ yesterday...the company is not toally different today than it was 24 hours ago!!!! The sellers are rushing like lemmings in the river just because the price is droping. It's irrationnal and in few days the crazy
selling will be over