RE: Warren 77- The Chump Horse, of course I reported your post to Stockhouse. How else do you think that it happened? Do you think they just randomly patrol the boards identifying posts to be removed? That's what the "report abuse" button is for. There's a little drop down box where I selected "physical threat". They then review the post and decide wether it is or isn't - not surprisingly they decided your post was a physical threat and had it removed. Don't worry, I've kept a copy of your threat so if at some point in the future your memory gets a bit foggy, we can simply repost it.
After hearing TGs frustration, I'm assuming the lie you both talk about is the whole exit strategy thing. Well, we know the real truth about that one which is why neither you or TG wants to actually put the post back up. Lastly Horse, you seem to be trying to somehow belittle and embarass me by publicly posting my public read that again slowly...publicly posting my public profile. Horse, if I were in any way ashamed or embarassed by it, then why on earth would I have made it my public profile? You seem to be the only person I've encountered who gets really mad when someone reposts your posts. Now why exactly is that?