More Baffinland Delays
Baffinland has been involved in permitting with the NIRB since Q1 2008. That's 5 years ago! Now it looks like it's going to be another year before construction is permitted to begin in 2014. Remember that AXI still hasn't registered the Roche Bay mine project for environmental permitting with the NIRB. It's a minimum 4 year process, and can often take much longer.
"Here’s what will happen now: the NIRB will ask Baffinland to prepare a “comprehensive,” new section to its final environmental impact statement.
That may be followed by a public technical review period, public information sessions in “potentially affected communities” and possibly a meeting of technical experts. A review would also include a final hearing and community roundtable session — similar to those that took place last summer in Pond Inlet, Igloolik and Iqaluit.
Following the completion of these steps, the NIRB would prepare a new report for the minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development with any recommendations about amendments and additions to the terms and conditions of project certificate.
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Baffinland in its comment to the NIRB said that the company hopes the reconsideration will be completed by early in 2014 'to enable the potential decision for ore shipments in the summer of 2014.'"