RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: stick to CMK subject You know I have been thinking about it as well, and there is the possibility that these guys where brought in to juice up the chance of a sale given there connections and experience, marret is interested in getting there money so perhaps they said "hey you guys are looking to juice up the sale, we happen have a guy who can help" so if he helps with the sale of the company or even finding sale's contracts marret will get there money, the SP will increase a great deal either because of production and sales, or because these heavy hitters came in made some phone calls shook some hands and lined up a few buyers who are interested in not only buying the company but to pay a fair price for the asset that is new elk, one way to look at it is that there is only so much fossil fuels, minerals, natural resources on this planet and eventually there lesser grade coal will be worth a great deal of money, it's supply and demand so IMO buying the company is quite attractive and these newly appointed board members are probably there to excersize there contacts and use there weight to get a good deal done, and tobin can do his part to ensure marret gets there money in short order