The day after 1) Does ROX have the cash for a second round of drilling? If not, quite a bit of trouble for us.
2) Eight holes is nothing on a complicated VMS property. The geological term for this fact is "blind loyalty". That said, failing on the twinned hole is stunning.
3) There is some demand here, perhaps news did leak, and they were ready to buy at these prices. I doubt many of we long time owners are buying more. And the fact that there were no bids around 18-20 cent level for weeks beforehand made if impossible for many of us to get out anyways. It also indicates pre knowledge of the results. I think they would have known the result of the twinned hole at least a month ago, wasn't it one of the first drilled?
4) If they did know the results of the twinned hole around XMas that explains some of the insider option activity at the end of last year. New options will be priced down here.
5) I now believe that Jwilson, Twopie, AND Jordan are the same person. Haliguy is his teenage son. I am 7/8ths kidding. To anyone offended by this "joke", man up!