RE: Hey joelou! - MMT PR Effort what GURGLES out of MART via its PR efforts can hardly be called thorough , competent or as a result - EFFECTIVE !!!
what some public companies seem to forget is that being public really requires two businesses to be effectively run ! The obvious Business of the Business and the Other equaly as important - public side.
and unforunately the public side is usually heavily influenced by those scum bag (i know I shouldn't generalize - and to be fair i have met some first class people of this ilk , but unfortunately these are in the minority) Lawyers i was mentioning in an earlier post !
in the guise of "oh tut tut we shouldn't do anything we can be criticised for - so lets just not say anything" ... or something like that,,, EFFECTIVE , NECESSARY COMMUNICATION to its stakeholders suffers !!!
.. its my opinion that MMT is a technical story --- ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE FACTS ... RESERVES AND PRODUCTION and its security. MMT has sooooo much going for it is that its public communication doesn't have to Overstate anything .... so is it to much to ask for even half the effort in the PR side as Wade et al is having on the operations side ??? Is it to much to ask for some serious effort in this department ???
To be frank it makes me sick to see MMT on undervalued stock lists as a top contender . Shame on the BOD members who aquesce to this p=ss poor PR effort
Marts shareholders deserve a much much better effort in the PR department !
ALL MHO ... and as always I stand to be corrected in my rant is unfair or inaccurate