RE: Real Head Scratcher In my own humble opinion, BLT is one of ever so many Juniors on the Venture Exchange that are trading considerably below what the stock should be actually worth. We are all aware of the hard times so many Juniors are going through on the Venture. It has been said a " Cull " is in progress and and only the strongest will survive. BLT's dealings with Equitorial Guinea are a little like handling Nitroglycerine, that is to say that BLT's management have to handle negotiations with EG with kit gloves. I believe BLT's Management are up to the task as well as can be reasonably expected. This is a waiting game now. BLT has lived up to their side of the deal with EG, now will EG live up to it's side and grant the mining concessions to BLT. Q2 is at hand and it negotiations between EG and BLT have been going on for 4 months now. I believe our wait will soon be over hopefully. GLTA!