last years run up and the August 2011 run up will have ZERO correlation to what happens this year. It is a "brave new world" and things have changed, and what will be the catalyst to start a run up soon? Nothing that I can see. I truly wish you were right, but where are the facts to support your thesis that a run up is imminent? The way I see it, there will be no drilling prior to late July, so why would there be an anticipation run up prior to say early July? Day traders will snap up anything in the interim, so from this vantage point I see this sale continuing for at least another 3 months. The truth sucks, but stating that the run up is about to begin is slipperly slope reasoning I am afraid at this early juncture. I mean if you say there is a run up coming soon and it prompts some to buy, well great, but I think most are more savvy than that these days carry on