Quick Production Calculations Current Capacity (LM 2-9 once facility completed) 11,000 bopd
LM 10,11,12 & 14 = +/- 5,000 bopd
Gross LM Production Exit Rate = 15,000 bopd (facility max)
@ 50% = 7,500 bopd net to PTA
LC 1 & 2(if successful) = 2,300 boepd x 2 = 4,600 boepd gross
@40% = +/- 1,800 boepd Net to PTA
Balay = 150 bopd net to PTA
Total Exit Rate Production 2013 (appraisal & development only) = 9,450 boepd
Possible short term additions if exploration successful
Curiara +/- 1,000 boepd
La Guira (very close to LM, easy tie-in)
Rumi (maybe next year if successful)
Did I miss anything?
Valuation at $50,000 per boepd x 9,450 = $470M/700M shares = $0.67/sh