RE:The math...geeraf1, I am curious as to how you drill for vein graphite. This is not in any way a bashing post, I just am uninformed as to what will constitute good results. If the veins are 1-2 ft wide, how often do you need to hit an intercept to get excited? And how would you know what the true width of the vein is (because of various angles of intercept yielding various intercept widths for the same vein)? I also am unsure as to how their EM targets translate for veins-can you follow a narrow EM along the vein somewhat, or is it just a hit like on a more traditional ore body? If you have seen any prior results on this kind of drilling, I guess gold being the most likely for veins, I'd be curious to know if the targets for drilling were evident, or is it still more of a drill and hope excerise? Thanks if you have any info-I do own shares and am looking for some gains, but I am not exactly sure what to look for in the future drill results.