Canacol Says Netbacks $70 Per barrel at Labrador Now!!!
Canacol energy Netbacks Best Ever at Labrador oil field in Colombia
Canacol energy hitting Oil all over now, highest netbacks and revs. in company history this Quarter, as Labrador 1, 2 and 3 on Production and Leono Oil field added soon. 19 Shale Oil wells worth $127,000,000 to Canacol plus oil production from them. Furthermore Ecuador 2,500 barrels itself this year, so 15,000 barrels daily boed very likely Analysts saying now! Canacol @ $2.50 was Buying BIGtime, awesome price as Canacol Ups Oil
Production.$70 per Barrel netbacks.
Canacol energy hitting $108 Oil now Labrador and Leono Big Light Oil fields/reserves, thus Netbacks Clealy over $70 barrel Canacol..
Cheers thedave2014