Slider My Post was intended for that ***** Minionman...Unless you're part of his buttpattingclub, then my post wasn't intended for you.
Miniionman is a player here, somewhat like all of us, but he's nothing but a classAgoof, IMO.
On a serious note, I don't believe the_chief in what he thinks is an $8 fair value.
I don't believe that guy on BNN who has a position for some of his clients. Would you think he'd say something negative about ZEN? Wonder what his clients would think of him then eh?
Anyway, personally I've seen plays like this before in oil/gas, gold explorations and others.
This is the most speculative of stages, and in all honesty it can go as high as the market takes it, until they issue news.
What the market doesn't realize yet, (just too much momo/emotion now) is that reality sometimes sucks. Reality here is that there is no proven deposit, no proven mine, no proven average grade, no proven purity at a pilot plant scale, and there won't be for 6 month to 12 months out.
Time usually kills momo. It will happen here. Don't know at what price it will stall, but we haven't seen Roth revise their estimates higher either.
Maybe they will, but when or if they will is anyones guess. Maybe their clients sold once they reached their 12 month target in 2 1/2 months. We'll be the last to know. JMO