new postersHow are you guys doing? I was out of bnk for a while and missed the little run-up. I had an order in fri for 2.95 and missed by a penny. I will watch it close on monday and hopefully grab a good chunk then. I was playing hgu for the last few weeks ( can be scary) but didn't do to bad. this is gold season anyway. I see bc has been holding down the fort and trying to keep things at bay. I think mike is still here with his core position but it sounds like he sold his trading position a while back but also i think bbought back in. I had an order in at 2.95 friday and missed buy a penny. I believe that the CEO has been promoting this to instituional investors and it may very soon start to run. there is one new poster that I'm having trouble understanding or maybe he just can't be understood. Good luck to all. My opinion is bnk will touch 4.00 by year end and 4.75 this time next year if not sooner.