More on WettreichFrom Pasteur at siliconinvestor board re: one of Danny's past deals:
QUOTE: "His efforts to establish relations with several third or fourth tier companies have ended in disasters. What does he do. He falls back on his previously learned expertise in circumventing laws established to protect stockholders by setting requirements and standards establishong publicly trade companies. He goes and finds a failing or for other reasons CHEAP company that is publicly traded
(this is important...we will discuss it more later) . He buys it real cheap. Of course the fact that he can get it cheap pretty much indicates that it IS NOT an established and sucessful player in the European distribution network.
So now he has a shell, he forms a new company called Digiphone Europe LTD. Now controlling the shell (Meteor)and Digiphone Europe he arranges a merger between the basically worthless companies." ENDQUOTE
Is it getting a bit rancid in here?