RE:RE:geeraf1I will grant that some of your posts are rebuttals, but not all. You have repeatedly called nr's from ZEN bs, with no prompting. You have said they have to go hundreds of meters down, but it starts at 40. You call the deposit low grade, but how long can you mine a one meter thick vein before having to account for host rock removal, both for safety and to reach the vein? That host rock will affect your grade, and I believe hoov has gone through the details of how that will reduce the effective starting grade substantially.
I want to emphasize that I own CCB, I want it to go up, up, up. I enjoy reading positive posts on both stocks, preferably on their respective boards. But don't admonish posters for defending a stock they own. Why don't you go to the ZEN board and post there your thoughts on the story being bs. Then you can have a legitimate discussion on the proper board, rather than irritating your fellow investors because you don't agree with their views.