RE:RE:Question of the DayWell I think I started this chain with my 100m lbs and $12/lb question. I guess none of us can be sure of the total pounds but I am now thinking we should not let this go for less than somewhere in the range of $12-$15/lb. The future mining of this shallow deposit beckons a time of rising U demand and decreasing supply - or at least supply that does not keep up with demand. Why in the world would we let this go for a price of $7-10/lb - a price representative of today's temporary over supply.
I am now thinking a sale price of $1.2B representing 100m lbs at $12/lb and $3.5/share is a reasonable expectation - perhaps not until next year at this time but that's okay if we can reach the $3.5/share level within 12 months. Where else can you get a 300% return (over today's price) in a period of 12 months?
Just my opinion. BTW - even though I do not come to the same conclusion as others I appreciate and respect eveyone's thoughtful considerations.