Learn about investing You people are a bunch of idiots (not all but some). You shouldn't be investing in a company unless you know how things work. See below caption from their financial statement and MD&A below.
What the announcement from the TSX means is that they have approved the transaction. So its a go. Please read careful. Remember, the devil is in the details.
Closing of the Transaction is conditional on receipt of approval by the TSX of the Transaction. The Transaction has not yet been granted conditional approval by the TSX. There can be no assurance that the TSX will grant approval or accept the application for the use of the TSX Exemption, in which case the Transaction may also be subject to the receipt of approval of Tuscany shareholders, excluding M&P. In the event that the TSX permits the Company to rely on the TSX Exemption, this will automatically result in the initiation of a continued listing review by the TSX, as is customary under such circumstances.