What am *I* doing now.... ......dead simple to answer that one. It is no secret that according to the news releases - and especially that one where the gremlins asked for 'clarification' - the company appears to be changing the configuration to an exploration-production model. For the company to approach the production platform I would imagine, and can only guess that means property visits and CA's being signed.
Right now the process reminds me of a large construction process. We drive by and see a huge hole in the ground. It looks like the hole is there forever. Finally some infrastructure. And then one day the building is faced and finished and is open. When that happens, it is tough to remember anything in between the big hole and the finished product. When it comes to GRR, I am guessing that we are now in the stage where the building is just about done - last thing we need to wait for is the ribbon cutting ceremony. I mean really....the other scenario makes no sense - and one visit to corporate headquarters could prove that point. Where many companies are either 'working from home' or swapping out of gold into technology...it appears the GRR offices could be considered a bustling hub of activity. That might be the clue you need to see what's what.