StorytimeSame old ! Story time really begins when people need to justify their poor judgement. Looking at the chart, it has been obvious where this stock was headed, but I can understand why people want to go down kicking, as it takes years before one realizes that they might be their own worst enemy. Now for the truth everyone knows this stock will be sold pretty heavy when the merger happens and the trading as you can see are those trying to liquidate without causing too much damage to their positions going into it. Why do you think Large Alpha shareholders wanted this merger, so that they can be bought out easier ? lol give me a break ! They are up 1000 % and want to lock in as much of those gains as possible and doing it in the illiquid Alpha structure would burn too many of those gains, it will be much easier under the mergco and it will happen ! You see my 70 cent prediction is going to happen and I will buy back in at that price and double my share count. So keep your stories coming, but this guy is usually right watch and learn.