Bulls Win So i guess the bashers have ran to the exits as well as the shorts.
Stats clearly show todays volume is 3 times the average at 3,377500 and Buyers 54.5% to Sellers 36.9% on a 2nd day that the price went down with 322 trades.
This tells us what is coming ahead as today was a big day for accumulation of the stock as the company agenda is moving ahead as planned. Nice unit offering to institutional fund managers who always do their do diligence before investing investors capital.
They have put a 5 star rating on this investment with Samsung being the trump card in this success story as well as Toshiba and the 3d imaging software application is already changing the industry.
Change is always positive and progressive as will the share price in the next 2 months and beyond. It will be one heck of a great ride up.
Now who would really need to buy out this company? The list is growing as the CEO had
mentioned with a grin because he knows Transgaming is at the head of the pack with the exclusive patented technology they can offer companies.
Valentines is coming and this company is coming out of this long downward trend smelling like roses as the price can only rise from here.
To all those who held tight and accumulated more now.. congrats.. our investment is going to pay off big time.
The best is yet to come for this company setting sail into the sunset as it has turned the financial corner to success.