RE:Coal is way worse than oil sands oilYa, why are the N.C. "students" not out protesting against Duke Energy, and why are they wasting their time and effort protesting The Keystone (TRP) pilepline. Needless to say, they are all mixed up with their priorities, and maybe should go back to class and resume their studies, but at the end of the day, you cannot fix stupid.
Or how about the coal mining industry in West Virginia that literally cuts the tops off of the mountains creating large sludge pits which run down the valleys and into the rivers as well....why are "the students" not up in arms about that?? Used to fly low level over these mountains and saw it first hand for myself...........their coal industry is a the Keystone and clean up your coal industry!!!!
J.M.H.O. Best.............SHUMBA