Break-up fee
As stated earlier. Except that in this explanation, it is estimated at 1-3% of the total "deal" value.
Actually, this "deal" is a win-win scenario in my mind, at least with respect to the short term.
If a deal is made and shareholders get 50 cents/share, I'll be dancing naked in the streets and will get "Eyeinvestor" tattooed on my forehead after getting exceedingly drunk at a bar of Zanadu's choice.
If there is no deal made, STP will receive a break-up fee that will cover the anticipated losses for the quarter, AND they get to continue on their own with respect to production increases. This, in turn, will reflect positively on the SP. I know I know, Eyeinvestor, no need to reprimand me with the passive aggressive remarks about STP making it on their own. I'm speaking short to short-medium term. Win-win.