RE:Protest groupsIt’s such nonsensical, ignorant/ill-informed garbage. It keeps me up at night thinking about it.
The DESMOGBLOG was awarded a Top 25 spot by Time in 2011….Lord have mercy on us all. Any why not actually, with such accurate verbiage as “Bitumen is the sticky black substance also known as asphalt”.
Although it’s true that a guy can make the argument saying that oilsands producers actually ‘remove’ contamination from the ground, I prefer to put things into context. One wonders if the American protesters know exactly how much carbon is expelled from their coal plants. Or the energy input needed to build wind turbines / yearly fowl death. If they know what percentage of emissions is attributable to the oilsands ever year as compared to all the developing countries of the world and all forms of energy generation and consumption.
Maybe Matt Damon or Neil Young can give some expert scientific advice on this?