BlackRock's bet on wilan- BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, manages $4.32 trillion assets.
-ranked 86 out of Fortune 100.
-global capacities "we created world-class capabilities around our clients’ greatest needs, with a comprehensive range of products and services across asset classes, geographies and investment strategies. Our roots are deep in every region around the world, with some 120 investment teams in 30 countries sharing their best thinking in order to seek better returns"
-"We're passionate about our work and intensely focused on performing at the highest levels. To get there, we strive to out-think and out-work competitors and find the best balance of risk and return across all investment styles on behalf of our clients."
Well, blackrock's wilan investment will be a test whether it can out-think and out-work its competiters like CIBC and other us companies. Now blackrock holds $8232809 shares (data as 25 july 2014).
good luck