What's next Without Prejudice!!
Before the 8 for 1 reververse split the company I believe was FSM.vn
or (Fortune/fortunate sun mines) which I believe did an IPO at .20 cents.
The total share outstanding before the reverse split was approx. 25ish million.
A dream for any other company to take them over since their management could
not do a thing but THE USUAL.
So they get permission from the venture exchange (which was not only to
my serious dismay but unreal that the TSX would allow this kind of business
as usual stuff to go on without investigating the major shareholders and
mangement team/directors as well) to roll the stock back which now leaves them
with approximately 3.9 million outstanding shares.
Having done that reverse split, they do a measley PP for chump or rather chimp change
They then make a pie in the sky acquisition which will cost them money that they don't have
and still could not manage to sweet niagara fall done.
Hence a cease trade order laid upon them one week ago and counting.
So here we are left holding the bag once again without any say in the incompetence
of these peeps that cannot run this or probably any company.
Well maybe it's time to voice OUR opinion and complain to the TSX . I know I WILL.
I personally and am so sick and tired of being duped, hustled and conned out of my money
that I could throw up!