Facebook post on Nick's wallI posted the following comment on Nick Brusatore's ''public figure'' page about an hour ago...
"Nick! seems like you're losing investor interest real fast with Affinor (including myself). Cancelling your live broadcast while your dumping stock on the open market?...I wouldn't call that creating shareholder value. Really not a vote of confidence for any current or potential investor. Why do I get the feeling September 30th broadcast will be "cancelled" as well."
His response...
Hi Sterling, I had no choice it killed me to sell it I am not selling anymore and will be a buyer back , it was a timing thing for me and it will not happen again I can assure you , I am sorry the web was cancelled due to forward looking statements that we pre filmed and had to stop it , no bad news or anything of the sort and no other reason, we will be doing another one informing everyone that I am getting very busy with QB and and WA and our Lab in WA so web cast will be less frequent so I can focus on getting all of it built and fully commercialized, Sterling I am truly sorry as the optics look bad but its not the case at all , I promise I will not let AFI down nor will the BOD allow it. We are building our facility in QB and I am very excited to get a deal done for distribution and JVs. we are also looking at a few deals now for licencing out technology as an expert AG team, please dont fret im sure stock value will come back very soon and it will all be Ok , again my sincere apologies and will never happen again
If you want to see the post go on to his Facebook page