Ok by Friday better than 2 bitsJust from historical prices when they closed 500k private placement and got that sliverhold on Longkey (4% acquisition) we were running around .035 and .04 cents PS. NOW we have some reassurance and a chunk of juicy information regarding Longkeys heavy involvment in ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) Internet Financial Services in China - whome we all know is a vastly growing economy. This can be affirmed at this link ===>
https://peakpositioning.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/PKK-Exec-Summary-LK-IFS-November-2014-PRV01.pdf - peaks executive summary, if you havent read it - i suggest you do...its very promising.
We'll be back above .03 cents PS by Friday I suspect and hope :)
Cheers fellow shareholders!