December 18, 2014.... 08:32am., 10:54ampetro reply..,
Notic how ther wantng 2 dictat ur SHouse bord postng contnt, behavour, selction.
Ther "Brit" apprch 2 tellng U (adults) that they r superior in knwldge of world corprate evnts, how-2 nd what-if methds, repetitv drivel, anecdots, changng/off topic, DONT talk to s/he on SH bord., relince on computr lettr writng softwar 4 ther post contnt, structr. ..
If u fall4, follw that kind of dominaton go 4 it..., othrs see thru it, stifle it nd movee well along..
(Put u on ignor, but they com back to see ur postng!!)
. .
Ther ongoing drivel is akin to givng a NewBorn keys to the famly auto nd demnd it drive.
It aint gonnna happn....
Mongolia going thrgh mass chngs sinc "bye-bye" Russia.., has 2 find its legs, avoid being dominatd, but will continu to sh*t itself nd othrs for a whil.
If ur lsng, holdng $$ loss position, tough.. liv with it, lern, move on..,. Why b*tch on a bord unles ur abl 2 dirctly influnce RIO, TRQ, GOM. *(whaaaaa)
T.V progrm 3stoges., TRQ bord has 4stoges 123, marp., mccorj, cg
(very comicl whn all 4 rubbng each othr on bord posts..)
Do as WE tel u, WE know best., U know "0"., FEED my ego. U r a mindless puppt .. FOLLW our postng...Ongoing DRIVEL., if WE say DONT u listn to us (see ther othr bord post.. not angls)