Two Toques. One with just the eyes and mouth cut out and a regular black one when im in mourning.
I never was brave enough for snow machines my Subaru and Beamer are all wheel drive does that count? ( both paid for with the initial run up of INT got out at $2.03)
460,000 are left overs from the 100 million a day share trades of INT. Damn things are stuck in an RRSP so no tax loss selling which is why they are still sitting there.
I moved some (actually had more???) into V.SPN however I'm a little perplexed where these big bids seem to come out of nowhere just when it looks like INT will be the new BRG or CUI One guy on here says David is buying up all the stock at $.015-.002 to slime the company sideways so as not to be investigated? Maybe.
I'm not asking the B.B. for advice just RS as this person has been the most consistent truth teller her. Not a very few others s cooments were not pertenant.
So RS what other questions do you have and what would you do with the 460,000 shares?