RE:another rediculous offtake ...excerpt... That said, Triton will no doubt be looking for further offtakes moving forward. After all, a recent scoping11 study pegs annual graphite concentrate production from Nicanda Hill, a graphite resource located at Triton’s Balama North project, at 210,000 tonnes for a period of 30 years. And while the Yichang offtake requires Yichang to go only to Triton when sourcing graphite concentrate from Mozambique, Madagascar, Malawi and Tanzania, it does not restrict Triton from selling graphite to other parties... My comments... It seems that Triton's offtake agreement with Yichang also requires that Yichang only buy from Trinton for graphite concentrates from Madagascar... Additionally, I can't understand how Yichang would approve an offtake without a Proven Reserve Estimate and a Bankable Feasibility Study unless Yichnag did both for Triton.