April 15, 2015......, 12:26pm
123 wrote...,
..."Can we keep this the TRQ board"...
petro reply...,
A- 123 the same persn who postd April 2015....., 08:19am
..."TT is just a side show"...
(thats right he's tlking of TT not TRQ)
B- In 2014 postd of his mama passng awy
(rel ter jerkr postngs in susbqnt post)
C- In 2014 postd of CND Financ Minstr passng awy
D- Currntly he's likly postng all knds of attcks to membrs of othr bords ( yess ??!!)
Nd he keps wantng to contrl, dominat TRQ, nd othr bords... with his othr 3stooges buds